Hi John,

It’s official!

Thanks to your support, we’re taking the Canada Revenue Agency to court over the illegal and undemocratic capital gains tax hike.

You know there should be NO taxation without representation.

And you know you couldn’t let unelected bureaucrats take more money from Canadians through an illegal tax grab that was never introduced, debated or passed by Parliament. 

That’s why your lawyers at the CTF officially filed an application with the Federal Court to stop this tax hike immediately.

While some politicians are starting to talk about reversing the tax hike, you can’t afford to sit around waiting for an election or a new prime minister to fix it.

You should not be forced to pay an illegal tax hike being imposed by unelected bureaucrats. 

And because of your support, we’re able to send Canadian Taxpayers Federation lawyers to court to stop it.

You’ve made it possible for taxpayers to take a stand. This fight matters, and we couldn’t do it without you.

We just want to say THANK YOU for taking a stand and taking the government to court over this illegal and undemocratic capital gains tax hike.

And we want you to know we will keep fighting until this capital gains tax hike is scrapped.

Thank you for standing up for taxpayers – you’re making a difference! 

Devin Drover
General Counsel
Canadian Taxpayers Federation
P.S.: You can help win this court fight by donating now on our secure donation site: www.taxpayer.com/campaigns/fight-the-capital-gains-tax-in-court