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Friday, 24 January 2025
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Top Story
‘Skewed’ witness selection on assisted suicide sparks indignation ([link removed])
The dominance of pro-assisted suicide witnesses among those selected to appear before the Committee scrutinising the Leadbeater Bill has provoked outrage.
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Assisted suicide Committee convenes for first time ([link removed])
MSPs urged to rebuff assisted suicide’s ‘society of death’ ([link removed])
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Also in the news
Scot Govt raises alarm after kids exposed to porn on school iPads ([link removed])
The Scottish Government’s Education Secretary has called for robust digital protections after children as young as ten in Edinburgh were able to access pornography on school iPads.
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Ofcom: ‘Access to online porn must be ring-fenced against under-18s’ ([link removed])
‘Overheard conversations’ could count as harassment under employment Bill ([link removed])
Private chats on trans ideology could fall foul of Government plans to protect workers from harassment, the equalities watchdog has warned.
Gender-neutral toilets blamed for allowing boy to secretly film hundreds of girls ([link removed])
A mother in Scotland has criticised gender-neutral toilets for enabling boys to obtain hundreds of indecent videos of girls.
Also see:
President Trump: ‘We will defend women by upholding biological reality in law’ ([link removed])
England Hockey declares women’s game for ‘females at birth’ only ([link removed])
Govt rebuffs push for re-evaluation of Cass Review ([link removed])
CofE delays vote on standalone services for same-sex blessings ([link removed])
The Church of England has pushed back plans to allow specific services for same-sex blessings.
Over 1,500 babies in Scotland born with drug or alcohol addiction ([link removed])
The number of babies in Scotland to have started out life addicted to alcohol and drugs continues to rise.
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‘Extremely dangerous’ ketamine could become Class A drug ([link removed])
Veterans’ charity manager defrauds £68k to fund gambling addiction ([link removed])
A finance manager for a veterans’ sailing charity has been sentenced after pleading guilty to stealing over £68,000 to fund her gambling and drug addictions.
Also see:
MS calls for ‘urgent’ inquiry into gambling crisis in Wales ([link removed])
Irish Government to ‘advance’ conversion practices ban ([link removed])
The new coalition Government of Ireland has pledged to ‘advance’ a ban on so-called conversion practices.
Record-breaking preemie now four-year-old Mickey Mouse fan ([link removed])
The world’s youngest premature baby ever to survive is now thriving at four years old.
Also see:
US abortion lobby enlists pharmacists for ‘pills-by-post scheme’ ([link removed])
Scottish activist criticised for linking pro-life views to fascism ([link removed])
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Yours in Christ,
Ciarán Kelly
Director, The Christian Institute
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