Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Team, we’ve got to talk about this guy:

Image of Louis DeJoy at a hearing covering his ears with his hands in a screengrab from a CNN C-SPAN broadcast

That’s Postmaster Louis DeJoy in a recent testimony before the bipartisan House Oversight Committee when asked about how he’d grade his performance as Postmaster General.

In a moment of bipartisanship, representatives from states across the country, including Nikki, voiced their concerns with closures, declining rates of service, and the failure of leaders like DeJoy to adequately address employee concerns.

Rep. Nikki Budzinski (D-Ill.) emphasized that changes “can’t be made on the backs of rural America,” echoing concerns raised by Sessions about USPS’s struggles to meet the needs of rural and underserved areas. — KBTX

DeJoy’s response to these concerns? Close his eyes, cover his ears, and ignore the issues that Nikki and the entire House Oversight Committee brought to the table.

We want to know, team: How do you feel about Postmaster DeJoy? Take our survey!


— Team Nikki