Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Friday, January 24, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Special Report: Trump Smacks Down The Globalists – America Is Back!
I am sending you this special report because the issues involved are essential to the preservation of our freedom. Some of us recognize what time it is and how little time we have to save our Republic.
I have repeatedly said that the only hope for the conservative movement is to embrace populist, anti-globalist conservatism. We saw populist, anti-globalist conservatism in all its glory when President Donald Trump addressed the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.
The WEF’s annual meeting draws thousands of the most powerful people in the world. Ninety-nine percent of them reject everything you and I believe in. They not only reject it; they believe we and our values are a danger to the world they want to build.
These people tell you what to eat, what to drink, and what to drive. They claim they know what the temperature will be 50 years from now, but they don’t know how to fight fire with water. Many of them are Marxists. They all have totalitarian impulses.
They want America laid low. In every country they control, the same things always happen. The middle class and the working class are gutted. Their dreams are destroyed. Their nation is erased. Their future is blown up.
Then, every year the globalists all hop on their private jets and fly to Davos to plan how they can do it for another year. Donald Trump is the major political leader in the world confronting them.
He “slayed” them with three little words: “America is back.” Here are some key points from Trump’s address and why they matter so much.
Open Borders
Trump boldly rejected the globalist, open borders agenda and defended America’s sovereignty and our right to set our own immigration standards – two issues American Values, my non-profit public policy organization, has championed for years. Trump said:
“I declared . . . a national emergency on our border; immediately halted all entry of illegal border crossers . . . and began properly returning the illegal trespassers back to the place from which they came. . .
“I have deployed active-duty U.S. military and National Guard troops to the border to assist in repelling the invasion. It was really an invasion. We will not allow our territory to be violated. After four long years, the United States is strong and sovereign and a beautiful nation once again. It’s a strong, sovereign nation.”
Trump was speaking to an audience that has erased the borders of Europe. They have been swallowed by a wave of Third World migrants, many of them Muslims who despise Western, Judeo-Christian values. Muhammad is now one of the most popular names for newborn boys in many of Europe’s major cities.
When the native populations of the European nations rebel or a Trump-like leader rises up to challenge the globalist agenda, the globalists don’t attack the mass migration problem. They instead crush those resisting it.
Free speech is a central pillar of freedom. American Values has fought the neo-Marxist left’s attempts to control what we can say, and Donald Trump attacked the “government knows best,” nanny-state mindset of the globalist left. The president said:
“On day one, I signed an executive order to stop all government censorship. No longer will our government label the speech of our own citizens as misinformation or disinformation, which are the favorite words of censors and those who wish to stop the free exchange of ideas and, frankly, progress. We have saved free speech in America, and we’ve saved it strongly.
“With another historic executive order this week, I also ended the weaponization of law enforcement against the American people . . . and restored the fair, equal, and impartial rule of law.”
European elites and their globalist allies are committed to redefining and restricting free speech by labeling our conservative views as “hate speech” or “misinformation.” The Biden/Harris administration tried to do it here. They would have succeeded if Kamala Harris had four or eight more years.
Common Sense
A hallmark of the globalist, neo-Marxist left is its constant assault on common sense and normalcy. It is committed to “fundamentally transforming” nations by undermining Judeo-Christian values and replacing them with radical secular ideologies. I have been fighting to protect Faith, Family, and Freedom my entire adult life. President Trump spit in the faces of the globalists when he said:
“My administration has taken action to abolish all discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion nonsense — and these are policies that were absolute nonsense — throughout the government and the private sector. . .
“And I’ve made it official — an official policy of the United States that there are only two genders, male and female, and we will have no men participating in women’s sports, and transgender operations, which became the rage, will occur very rarely.”
DEI – diversity, equity, and inclusion – is a Marxist philosophy that divides people and judges people based on the color of their skin. It is the exact opposite of Martin Luther King’s dream of a color-blind society. The idea that there are dozens of genders and that children can choose to change their gender with powerful drugs and mutilating surgeries is insane. It’s anti-science, anti-God, and anti-child.
As history has shown time and time again, appeasement and weakness invite aggression. Peace through strength is the best way to prevent war. Having worked in Ronald Reagan’s administration for all eight years, it’s something I believe very strongly. So does Donald Trump.
But America cannot be the world’s policeman, always sacrificing our blood and treasure to secure the borders of other nations. That’s why Trump told the globalists:
“We’re moving quickly to bring back strength and peace and stability abroad. I’m also going to ask all NATO nations to increase defense spending to 5 percent of GDP, which is what it should have been years ago — it was only at 2 percent, and most nations didn’t pay until I came along; I insisted that they pay, and they did — because the United States was really paying the difference at that time, and it’s — it was unfair to the United States.”
Made In America
For decades, I have fought the Republican establishment and multinational corporate elites who thought trade with communist China was good for America. These trade deals gutted our industrial base, shipped our jobs and factories overseas, and wrecked working-class communities, all while enriching a communist adversary.
Donald Trump understands this. Rather than building up other countries and putting their interests first, Trump wants to rebuild America and put our workers first. He told globalists:
“My message to every business in the world is very simple: Come make your product in America, and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on Earth. . . But if you don’t make your product in America, which is your prerogative, then, very simply, you will have to pay a tariff . . . which will direct hundreds of billions of dollars and even trillions of dollars into our Treasury to strengthen our economy and pay down debt.
“Under the Trump administration, there will be no better place on Earth to create jobs, build factories, or grow a company than right here in the good old USA.”
This is just a sampling of how Trump attacked every secular, Marxist, globalist deception in one major speech to the Davos elites. And we are only in week ONE!
