1. NC VALUES: President Trump's Inauguration and Week of Winning
This week, as our nation witnessed another peaceful transition of power, President Donald Trump reaffirmed a timeless truth in his inauguration address: “As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States Government that there are only two genders: male and female.”
These words mark a refreshing and long-awaited return to common sense.
Later, President Donald Trump took a decisive stand for truth and science by signing an executive order defining gender as male and female, and safeguarding our children, women, and medical professionals from the harmful effects of radical gender ideology that has infiltrated every corner of society.
NC Values proudly celebrates this executive order as a significant victory for common sense and pro-family values across our nation. Thank you President Trump.
To watch the inauguration, click here.
In addition, President Trump has signed a number of other impactful executive orders, such as pardoning the pro-life protestors a day before the March for Life rally, and removing toxic DEI elements across Federal government.
Read more: https://ncvalues.org/male-and-female/