Please, only help today if you can.

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Hey there, we hope you had a restful long weekend. We just wanted to give you a quick update on our end-of-month donation goal.

Since we reached out on Sunday morning, more than 800 donors stepped up immediately with a small contribution — putting us a whole lot closer to reaching our goal of 7,500 donations by this Sunday, May 31st.

Hitting these fundraising goals has a very real impact on the type of campaign we can run as we get closer to November. But, we know that times are tough right now for many of us. That's why we're only asking you to give if you're in a position to do so.

Just a few dollars would make a huge difference. If you're able to chip in towards our May donation goal, here's a link to help:

If you can't donate today, please don't worry about it. We're just grateful to have you as a member of this team.

Thanks for your support,
Booker HQ


Team —

We're going to start this email by asking that you only consider donating today if you're in a position to do so.

The truth is that our fundraising has lagged ever since we cancelled in-person fundraising events back in March. As our campaign strategy has shifted to adapt to the current circumstances, we've been forced to operate with fewer resources than we had planned for.

We have to do things a bit differently this month. Because we know these are challenging times for everyone, we set a new kind of goal for May — 7,500 individual donations.

Can you make a contribution today of any amount to help us hit our goal of 7,500 donations before May 31st at 11:59 p.m.? We're already a little bit behind where we need to be with only seven days left to hit this deadline.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our goal this month is a way of measuring the strength of this team and the movement we're building together. And it means that every single donation matters just as much as the next one, whether it's $5 or $50 — because contributions of any amount during this month will count towards that goal.

Everything we do from now until November will be fueled by a committed group of donors chipping in a few bucks when they can — even to emails like this one.

We thank you for being such a committed supporter of Cory and this campaign. Just the fact that you opened this email means a lot to him and our entire team.

Booker for Senate