From Al Goff, Unto <[email protected]>
Subject It only costs 30 cents!
Date January 24, 2025 2:01 PM
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Hi John,

Hunger is not going away. In fact, the United Nations recently reported that acute hunger is expected to rise by 10 percent this year.

For people in the toughest places, your generosity makes all the difference. Through the gift of a simple meal, you can meet immediate physical needs and show suffering people that God sees and cares about them.

In the next four months, Unto® plans to send more than 1.2 million meals to suffering people in 14 countries. For just 30 cents each, you can provide meals for someone facing food insecurity or starvation — and create opportunities for them to hear about the hope of Jesus. 

Provide Meals Now --> [link removed]

Your generosity will impact children like John, who was abandoned near the Amazon River at just 9 years old. He had nothing but the clothes he was wearing. He did not know how to get back home.

Unfortunately, among the indigenous tribes of Peru, it is not uncommon for parents to walk away from children they can no longer take care of. Life is hard, and tribes are isolated. It is difficult for parents to provide even the basics for their family.

God orchestrated it so that Pastor Leo and his young daughter were visiting the village that day. They pulled up to the riverbank in their boat and found John. He was lost, confused, and frightened. Despite their best attempts to help him return home, they were not able to find John’s parents. From that day on, John became part of Pastor Leo’s family.

John attended church frequently and developed a hunger to follow Jesus. His new family did not have much materially, but through their partnership with Unto, they were able to help meet John’s basic needs.

Today John is a young man, and he travels to local villages teaching school-age children and sharing God’s Word with them. He still partners with Unto to serve the indigenous people in remote villages. He works alongside his adoptive father, Pastor Leo, and wants to become a pastor like him so more unreached people can hear about Jesus.

It costs just 30 cents to provide a meal — and share God’s love with unreached children and families like these. Would you consider a generous gift to help today?

Thank you for considering how you can express the kindness of Jesus through meals to those living in the toughest places on earth.

Serving together,
Al Goff, President and CEO | Unto

P.S. It costs just 30 cents to provide a meal — and share the message of hope with those who have never heard about Jesus. Please help today! 

Provide Meals Now --> [link removed]

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