Welcome to Opportunity First.

Hi Friend,

Welcome to Opportunity First. You've joined a powerful network that is shaping America's future.

Opportunity First is building and supporting a nationwide bench of young, progressive Democrats who will win in 2018 and beyond. From city council seats to state governors' offices, we want young progressive candidates to win so we can all win.

After the 2016 election, I was inspired by the activism and organizing of millions of young people across the nation. From the Women's March to town halls, people are resisting the Trump administration and standing up for what they believe in. Here's what I believe in: The power of young people to push our nation forward.

That's why I started Opportunity First, to help elect young, talented candidates who will become the local, state and national leaders of tomorrow.

In the meantime, make sure you're part of the conversation we're having on Facebook and Twitter.

Let's raise our voices for the next generation of progressive leaders. I'm excited about what's next and glad to have you on board.

In Solidarity,

Julián Castro
Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Founder, Opportunity First

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Thank you for supporting Opportunity First PAC. Your support is critical to helping us provide young, progressive candidates with the resources they need to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Emails are a crucial way to stay in touch with our top supporters like you. If we're going to elect the next generation of progressive leaders, we need your support.

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From the entire Opportunity First team, thanks for your support!