From Focus on the Family <[email protected]>
Subject Overcoming Abortion and Becoming a Force for Life
Date January 24, 2025 12:30 PM
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Overcoming Abortion and Becoming a Force for Life

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Overcoming Abortion and Becoming a Force for Life

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Abby Johnson shares how a series of small compromises, over several years, almost derailed her life. As a teenager, Abby sought the attention of men, which resulted in her first pregnancy and abortion. Believing that Planned Parenthood helped poor women get real health care, she became a model employee of her local center, until she witnessed an ultrasound-guided abortion. She was devastated. Abby encourages her audience to be counter-cultural and boldly fight for the lives of pre-born children.

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Help Save a Baby's Life!Your gift to support our Option Ultrasound program will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources, and sonography training for nurses, so that a mother considering abortion can see her baby, hear that tiny heartbeat ... and be moved to choose life. Give now, and we’ll say thanks with Abby Johnson's Preborn Life Bundle (her books Unplanned and What’s In Mommy’s Tummy?) plus a free audio download of “Overcoming Abortion and Becoming a Force for Life”

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