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Bishop Mariann Budde preaches at A Service of Prayer for the Nation.
Jack Jenkins/RNS
** Budde Appeals to Trump for Mercy
By Meredyth Albright
The Bishop of Washington called on a glowering President Trump to be gracious to LGBT people and immigrants in an emotional conclusion to her sermon. “They could do much better,” the president said of the service. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Presiding Officers Criticize Deportation Plans
By Mark Michael
Presiding Bishop Rowe and President of the House of Deputies Ayala Harris decry a series of executive orders signed by President Trump, and call for “mercy and compassion” for those threatened with deportation. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Bishops Challenge President, Policies
By Lauren Anderson-Cripps
Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe: “Our help is in the name of the Lord — not a political party, not an institution, not a government, not a person, not a human, but our help is the name of the Lord, of the risen Christ.” Read on ([link removed]) .
** Bishop-Elect Seeks ‘Common Ground to Follow Jesus’
By Greta Gaffin
“West Missouri has such an openness to serve, whether that’s expressed in radical hospitality, ministry for serving their neighbors, or spreading the gospel,” said the Very Rev. Amy Dafler Meaux. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Archbishop Accepts Investigator’s Resignation
By Douglas LeBlanc
Sexual allegations against veteran barrister Jeremy Gauntlett came after he was one of three people appointed to investigate whether the late John Smyth engaged in sexual abuse while living in South Africa. Read on ([link removed]) .
** The Church and the Illusion of Political Salvation
By Omar Cisneros
An experienced community organizer challenges a tendency to immerse ourselves in the mechanisms of political change. By stepping back from the illusion of political salvation, we can focus on what we are uniquely equipped by God himself to offer, the gospel. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Field Notes for Episcopalians on the 80 Percent
By Garwood Anderson
Overwhelming numbers of white evangelicals have consistently supported Donald Trump. The growth of Pentecostalism, the remnants of dispensationalism, and abortion policy play major roles. Read on ([link removed]) .
** How I Came to Pause the Priesthood
By Christopher Holmers
Functionally joining a big Baptist church close to home for the sake of his family was hard for this New Zealand theology professor — and perhaps not entirely despite his priesthood. Read on ([link removed]) .
** East Africans Sing in Lira, Uganda
By Joseph Wandera
In a context otherwise characterized by conflict, war, and poverty, these Anglican choristers conveyed a compelling message of hope for a better tomorrow. Read on ([link removed]) .
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