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This is urgent, Texans! I want to keep you up-to-date on more shenanigans in the State House.
Yes, we're all celebrating all that Trump has accomplished in 3 days, but we must not take our eyes off of Texas. Today the Republicans betrayed us yet again.
Last week the Republicans broke their own GOP rules and elected a Speaker who favors Democrats. Today they took it a step further...
The new rules for the House were not even allowed discussion or debate. The House voted to say all Committee Chairs must be Republicans, yes. But at the same time, they voted to create all Democrat Vice Chairs... and gave them a hefty budget to boot. Not only that, some of the key committees were stacked with more Ds than Rs. All of this is at the hand of Speaker Burrows and his cohort Representative Jared Patterson, among others.
Here's a list of those who voted against Texas:
Immediately following the vote (and I mean, within mere minutes) all of the usual suspects (like Capriglione, Hull, Leach, Patterson and more) put out similar messages:
Say what? The Democrats actually have MORE power now than they did before. They are literally celebrating on the House floor, holding a press conference, and posting videos of their joy. But uneducated voters will fall for this propaganda hook, line, and sinker. Our GOOD State Reps are actually being asked, "Why did you vote against the bill to ban Democrat Chairs?" See how this works? The deceptions and lies are simply overwhelming.
The new rules even brought back face masks, giving power to the CDC over the State House! But Shelley Luther (the new State Rep who had gone to prison during Covid for opening her salon) fired back:
Here's the good news. I laid it out in a tweet on X...
I've gotten pushback. "My County Chair is one of them." Well, the answer is easy, but the work is hard. You've got to replace your County GOP Chair. Here's the deal -- elected people only respond to fear. Your County Chair must know his/her job is on the line. Form a committee. Do a candidate search. Ask people directly if they will run. Help them win. It may take a couple cycles, but the censure is the most powerful tool we have right now. We must wield it as such!
Either way, whether your County GOP Chair is good or bad, still work towards censure. Even if you fail, it helps get a message out... both to the voters and to the State Rep.
Censures start with your Precinct Chairs. That's the lowest level of elected office within the Republican Party. It's your neighborhood representative to the GOP. They meet with the County GOP Chair and all the other Precinct Chairs in the county and vote on censure. You need to let your Precinct Chair and your County Chair know you expect censure. Don't know who your Precinct Chair is? Call your County GOP office and ask!
After a censure is voted on at the county level, it will go to the State GOP where the SREC will vote on it. The SREC (State Republican Executive Committee) consists of 2 elected representatives from each Senate District. This means that in addition to contacting your Precinct Chair and County Chair, you also should be contacting your SREC reps. Again, your County GOP office can tell you who your SREC representatives are and provide contact information.
So... it's gonna take a bit of legwork if you don't know who to contact, but isn't Texas worth it?
Use this link to find the name and contact info for your County GOP Chair and SREC reps. You'll need to know your State Senate District number, which can be found here. This gives you 3 of the 4 contacts you need.
Do an internet search to find the number for your County GOP office.
Ask the County GOP office for the name and contact info for your Precinct Chair. This gives you the 4th contact you need.
Contact all 4 of them and let them know you expect your State Rep to be censured for voting for Burrows as Speaker and voting for the new House rules giving more power to Democrats.
Tell them you understand they will need a 3rd strike, but it's just a matter of time.
Here's an example of a recent censure you can provide if they need guidance. It was against State Rep Andrew Murr, and he "retired" in shame.
The only reason we are having this fight is because we are winning! Don't let it discourage you. They are terrified of us and our power. Don't give up now.
Happy to answer any questions, and I'm sure Fran will share more in her Friday message.
For the love of Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO True Texas Project
PS. If you want to stay abreast of all the rapid changes all through the legislative session, I strongly encourage you to follow some key people on X (formerly Twitter). It's all in real-time, and it's all no-holds-barred truth from people we trust.
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