Dear John,
So many people I know — including, I suspect, many of you — are despairing over Trump’s second regime, which, just three days in, is already a horror show.
I share your fears, but I remain hopeful about the future of America. Here’s why.
Trump hoodwinked average working Americans into believing he’s on their side and convinced enough voters that Kamala Harris and the Democrats were on the side of cultural elites (the “deep state,” “woke-ism,” “coastal elites,” and so on).
But Trump’s hoax will not work for long, given the oligarchy’s conspicuous takeover of America under Trump II.
You saw the inauguration. Right there in the front row, ahead of Trump’s incoming cabinet, were the three richest people in America: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg. All of them have stuffed money into Trump’s pockets and expect to rake in billions in government contracts in return.
Then there are the billionaires Trump is putting in charge of key departments to decide on taxes and expenditures, tariffs and trade, even what our kids learn in school — none of whom care a whit about everyday Americans.
Not since the Gilded Age of the late 19th century have we seen such ostentatious displays of political power by the ultra-wealthy. Unapologetically, unashamedly, defiantly.
Their flagrancy makes me hopeful because Americans don’t abide aristocracy. We were founded in revolt against unaccountable power and wealth. We will not tolerate this barefaced takeover.
The backlash will be stunning, but it needs to start right now. This is a fight for the survival of democracy, and we must do everything in our power to alert the public and expose Trump’s grotesque corruption.
That’s why I’m asking you today: Will you make a monthly donation to Inequality Media and help alert the public and stop Trump from giving away the country to the ultra-wealthy?
Thank you,
Robert Reich
Inequality Media