PFAW Member, I hope you had a good and safe Memorial Day weekend. It’s a holiday that not only marks the unofficial start of the summer season, it marks the beginning of a new crucial phase in this year’s historic election cycle. Trump, his administration, and his Republican allies both in Congress and in the states are mismanaging the coronavirus crisis with deadly results. Their incompetence, their egregiously misplaced priorities, and their willingness to exploit the pandemic – to suppress voting, send kickbacks to their corporate donors, blackmail their political opponents, and more – will all cause more incalculable long-term harm to Americans’ lives AND livelihoods. Yet, as I write this, Trump’s base of support seems just as unshakable as ever. His approval rating and polling numbers – and those of other Republicans – remain much higher than they should be, thanks to the constant misinformation pumped out by the Trump administration, Fox News, online conspiracy theorists, and amplified daily by the rest of the Right Wing echo chamber. Joe Biden is generally outpolling Trump nationally but it remains a nail-biter in many of the most critical battleground states. A CNN poll from just a week ago showed Trump ahead in the top battleground states, making it entirely possible that Joe Biden could win the popular vote by even more votes than Hillary Clinton and still lose the election to Donald Trump in the Electoral College. The polls that are understandably disappointing and sobering because they show Trump’s viability even after such monumental failures also show signs of tremendous hope … the work PFAW and our allies are doing in key Senate battleground states is making a difference and Mitch McConnell’s majority is more vulnerable than it’s been in years. Democrats are polling ahead in the Senate races in states like Arizona, Maine, Colorado and we’re expanding the map to include traditionally red states like GEORGIA, where both sitting Republican senators are up for election and are in real trouble. A recent Georgia poll also had Joe Biden beating Trump in the state, and we’re seeing similar chances to expand the map in states like North Carolina and even Texas. It’s never been more urgent that we hold Trump Republicans accountable and elect new, progressive leadership – to competently handle this crisis, future crises, and the leadership of our nation. I already know that, as a PFAW member, you’re as committed to progressive victory in 2020 as anyone. And you’ve already shown that you’re willing to do the hard work it’s going to take to reach the key voters in the key states and districts needed to win this thing and save our democracy. Become a Defender of Democracy TODAY and a group of our top donors will 3X-MATCH your recurring month gift for an entire year! The average monthly gift of our Defenders of Democracy is about $19, but any amount – $25, $15, $10, or even $5 – goes a long way by forming the reliable base of support that allows us to fight the Radical Right and protect democracy and Americans’ fundamental rights day in and day out. And even more urgent, the strength of our monthly sustainer program could make the difference in how successful our side will be in this year’s elections. This is already such a historic year for so many reasons. It can also be the year that we take our country back and chart a new path forward for America by dealing Trumpism a resounding defeat on Election Day, in the races for the White House, the U.S. Senate, and every other critical race all the way down the ballot. Yes – start my monthly contribution now and triple my impact for an entire year!>> Thank you so much for everything you do. We hope you’re staying safe and healthy. Best, Michael Keegan, President