Mises Institute
Thursday, January 23, 2025
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The Grift That Has Been Joe Biden
William L. Anderson
The Biden presidency is over and not a minute too soon. Biden’s five decades of public life has always been one of a mediocre grifter, but he saved his worst for his four years in the White House, where he managed to combine incoherence and incompetence with a lust for power.
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The EU Has New Airline Regulations and Consumers Will Pay
Jack Watt
European Union regulators are levying draconian new requirements for aviation fuel that will surely force up costs for airlines operating in the EU. While these new rules will have zero effect on the climate, the effects on their airlines and their passengers will be negative.
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Can Trump Save the Dollar?
While President-elect Trump recognizes the threats to the dollar, is he willing to do what needs to be done to change the situation?
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Building a Blockade
Chris Calton details how technological innovations changed the course of naval warfare during the Civil War.
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How to Stop the BRICS Nations from Abandoning the Dollar
American attempts to preserve its leadership status in the world will fail unless it enacts reforms which really are nothing more than behaving in a legal and honorable way.
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State Management of Race Relations
In The Ethics of Liberty, Murray Rothbard conceptualizes “the defense of the rights of person and property” as the foundation of libertarian law.
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Anti-Market Bias Holds Back Developing Countries
Governments of developing countries attempt to thrust their country into prosperity through various statist measures, but their efforts are doomed because they do not understand economics.
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Monopoly and Competition
Tom DiLorenzo presented this lecture at the 2010 Mises University in Auburn.
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The Origins of the
Federal Reserve
Where did this thing called the Fed come from? In one extended essay that reads like a detective story, Murray Rothbard has put together the most comprehensive and fascinating account based on a century’s accumulation of scholarship.
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