** Dear John,
Today, we at Migrant Clinicians Network reaffirm our commitment to migrants and immigrants in the United States, to their health and well-being, and to that of the clinicians on the frontlines who serve them – and we invite you to join us. We are witnessing a shocking disregard of the contributions of millions of people who serve in this country in a myriad of ways, from building our houses to putting food on our tables, to caring for us in hospitals. But there are avenues to support these communities, support their health and well-being, help them maintain their dignity, and reaffirm that we, as a nation of immigrants, recognize, appreciate, and rely on their contributions to our communities and to our nation.
We stand strong, and show through our voices, actions, and commitments that our networks are powerful and that we will not stand idly by while colleagues, fellow clinicians, family members, neighbors, friends, and community members are mistreated, subjected to policies aimed to dehumanize, and placed in circumstances that jeopardize their health.
Deportation, shutting down the right to ask for asylum, militarizing the border, and rejecting refugees go against the very tenets on which our nation was built. These policies reduce migrants to a single two-dimensional figure. I invite you to look beyond the reductionist two-dimensional figure of a migrant at whom these policies are aimed, and instead I invite you to see the asylum-seeking child with spina bifida, whose family just wants her to have a chance to survive ([link removed]) . I invite you to think of the climate worker who has traveled to 17 different disaster zones across the United States
([link removed]) , rebuilding cities and towns after hurricanes and fires and floods, encountering informal work environments resulting in dangerous exposures and exploitation risks. I invite you to picture the H-2A farmworker who works 10-hour days ([link removed]) picking the food that we eat, who is ignoring his fatigue because he’s trying to save enough money to send home to his family, resulting in delayed care for kidney disease. These are people we work with every day here at Migrant Clinicians Network. They have a right to seek care, to seek safety –
and it is our privilege and honor to elevate and strengthen the networks that ensure they get the most informed and relevant care possible.
Our task for the next four years is to take actions on many fronts to provide for the health needs of the most vulnerable among us. Migrant Clinicians Network stands steadfast in our dedication to providing practical solutions to the biggest issues in migrant and immigrant health. We stand for health justice. Our work just got harder – but our clinical networks are strong. Our resolve is strong. Our work will show our strength and commitment.
We appreciate the support you have brought to our mission and gratefully acknowledge your partnership in bringing dignity to those in need. I ask you to consider supporting our work ([link removed]) if it is within your means to bolster our efforts. In the coming days and weeks, please look to MCN’s blog ([link removed]) and social media for connection to resources, peer support, and practical strategies to support the migrants and immigrants in your community. And as you also find new resources to assist you in your vital work, please let us know. Together, we can amplify the best practices that the most vulnerable among us need at this time of crisis. Together we can make a difference. Thank you.
** In Solidarity,
Kim M. Nolte, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
Migrant Clinicians Network
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