I need your help to protect Maine’s second district.


Following the last election, I now represent the reddest district held by a Democrat in Congress. That means I will be a top target for the GOP establishment and one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the country next election.

I refuse to take corporate PAC money, so I need your help to start building our coffers for the next cycle so we can keep this seat in good hands.

Will you split a donation between me and iVote to help protect this seat?

$5 »
$15 »
$50 »
Other »

Look, friends,: Maine’s second district re-elected me because they know I am someone who will work across the aisle and put working families first.

But the GOP establishment sees that as a vulnerability and I expect they will spend millions of dollars to defeat me - even more than they did last year!

I’m counting on your support to start building up our resources. If you are able, please chip in any amount -- split with iVote -- to help kickstart our fundraising for the next cycle.

I can’t thank you enough for your continued support,

- Jared




iVote was created in 2014 with one goal: secure voting rights for all Americans.

Rather than take on challenges in the court after unfair laws have passed, iVote plays defense on voter suppression efforts AND goes on offense to secure and expand access to voting.

Going on offense is critical. We have the chance to elect Secretaries of State that will protect our elections for years to come. But Republicans are already suppressing and blocking certain citizens from exercising their fundamental right to vote.


We need a massive coalition to register new voters and protect our right to vote in this election and beyond.

We know you get a lot of emails, but it's only because this fight is so important. We need you to stick with us long term. But if you must go, you can unsubscribe.



Paid for by iVote

PO Box 382167
Cambridge, MA 02238
United States