John, a Republican-appointed federal judge just temporarily BLOCKED Trump's attempt to end birthright citizenship – calling it "blatantly unconstitutional". [1]
This is a major win for protecting our 14th Amendment rights, one of our Constitution's most important guarantees of equality and fairness. But this fight isn't over.
With the courts siding against Trump, we expect him to ramp up his attacks on birthright citizenship through Congress. Add your name to our petition urging Congress to protect the 14th Amendment – or forward this message to a friend if you've already signed >>
For more information on Trump's unconstitutional attack on our rights, see my email below from earlier this week.
SIGN NOW: Congress must stand firm for equal rights and protect the 14th Amendment.
John, President Trump – who just swore an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend” our Constitution – is illegally trying to shred one of its most important guarantees of equal rights: the 14th Amendment.
His executive order last night attempting to end birthright citizenship would endanger millions of people born in this country and permanently reshape what it means to be an American. Common Cause is evaluating our legal options to respond – because we simply can’t let this stand.
The good news is no president, including Trump, can override an official, ratified part of the U.S. Constitution. But the bad news is this fact won’t stop them from trying, and in doing so, striking fear for millions of our neighbors that they’ll be condemned to permanent second-class status.
Combined with his plan to deport thousands of families and community members this week, Trump’s already made clear that he’s beginning his presidency by forcing American immigrants into hiding and denying us all the multi-racial democracy and safe neighborhoods we deserve.
If you agree we can’t let that happen, join me to tell Congress: Don’t help Trump shred this core constitutional protection. Protect birthright citizenship and our 14th Amendment today >>
Here's the facts: the 14th Amendment of the Constitution guarantees citizenship to anyone born in the United States – plain and simple.
It’s a right that nearly one million Americans fought and died for – and one of the most fundamental promises of equality and fairness in our Constitution. Every single person born here is entitled to the same rights, protections, and opportunities, period.
But Trump and his allies are determined to dismantle this constitutional right, even threatening to circumvent our laws to do it.
The 14th Amendment is clear – and legal experts say Trump would likely need to pass a constitutional amendment to overrule it. But Trump and his cronies in Congress know they can’t do that, so they’re desperately searching for any way around our checks and balances.
Whether they try it by an executive order (which can’t override the Constitution) or through Congress, we must speak out now to nip this in the bud.
Sign the Petition to Congress: We must protect birthright citizenship – and REJECT this blatant attempt to divide our communities and attack our constitutional rights.
Thanks for all you do,
Virginia Kase Solomón, President & CEO
and the team at Common Cause
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