From Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty <[email protected]>
Subject What Are They Hiding?
Date January 23, 2025 6:57 PM
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The hypocrisy is just staggering.

Four years ago, Democrats and their allies in the media – including Joe Biden himself – wailed incessantly about what an unprecedented and unlawful abuse of the pardon power it would be for then-President Donald Trump to use it to shield himself, his family, or others from possible prosecution.

They had no evidence Trump would ever do such a thing, and he never did.

But then, in the last moments of his administration, Joe Biden gave Dr. Anthony Fauci – and many others, including several family members – a blanket pardon for any crimes they may have committed over the past eleven years.

Now these same establishment voices claim that Joe Biden doing the very thing he promised he would never do – the very thing he said would be an attack on every value Americans hold dear – is perfectly reasonable.

They even have the audacity to call them “pre-emptive” pardons, despite the total lack of evidence that the new administration had any intention of prosecuting these people.

But now, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has vowed to get to the bottom of Dr. Fauci’s role in the Covid pandemic.

“If there was ever any doubt as to who bears responsibility for the COVID pandemic, Biden’s pardon of Fauci forever seals the deal.

“As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee I will not rest until the entire truth of the coverup is exposed.

“Fauci’s pardon will only serve as an accelerant to pierce the veil of deception.” —Senator Paul, posted on X on January 20, 2025
At least one adviser to the Trump transition team seems to agree.

“These pardons will not stop Department of Justice investigations. We expected this and look at it as a predicate to get truth from people who can no longer use the Fifth Amendment. Now we can bring every one of them in front of a grand jury,” the individual claimed.

But until we have action, it's all talk – and it's up to you and me to MAKE them take action.

Patriot, it’s time once again to Stand with Rand and DEMAND a full investigation. Tell your representative and senators you DEMAND a full investigation into the origin of Covid and the lies you and I were fed!

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If Anthony Fauci refuses to cooperate with investigators despite the pardon, he can still be charged with obstructing justice. Biden’s pardon does not cover crimes Fauci commits from January 20 into the future.

And obstructing a long-overdue investigation into the truth about Covid would be a terrible crime indeed.

The Covid pandemic devastated every single American and indeed everyone in the world.

If this disease was created and unleashed on the world as a result of negligence – or criminal recklessness – it is the crime of the century.

So much pain and suffering.

Americans will never forget the years and memories they lost.

We will never forget the family members who perished.

We will never forget the humiliation we were subjected to, everywhere: in schools . . . in our workplaces . . . in our churches.

We will never forget being shut out of our churches, kept away from our loved ones in hospitals, family members kicked out of the military, and being threatened by our own government.

Rand Paul isn’t giving up this fight, and neither can we.

But our lawmakers MUST hear from us and know we DEMAND their action.

Contact your representative and senators right now!

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Then, please consider pitching in $25, $50, $100, or even $250, $500, or $1,000 so Campaign for Liberty can rally more liberty activists to force accountability and hold Congress’ feet to the fire.
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You and I must keep the pressure on Congress to uncover the lies and find the truth – and then take action against those who pushed the lies and half-truths on us!

For Liberty,

John McCardell
Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. The government response to Covid-19 killed millions of people and damaged every single one of us.

Millions lost their jobs, their businesses, and their basic human rights.

Our children and grandchildren were kept out of school. Church doors were slammed shut.

The economy was left in shambles.

And five years later, NOBODY has been held accountable.

It only takes a moment to sign your e-postcard and we will deliver it for you.

Make your voice heard! Click here to send your e-postcard and DEMAND they conduct a full investigation and hold people accountable.

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And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work and hold our derelict lawmakers accountable. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over we, the people, for far too long. You and I must demand full accountability.
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If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
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Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron Paul.
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If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162.

The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).
Campaign for Liberty
PO Box 104
Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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