Friend - I’m going to be honest. I have a deep feeling of dread about Donald Trump being sworn in as President this week – and about how the harm that Trump has promised will impact so many people and communities has my stomach in knots. I mean, the hateful rhetoric coming from Trump’s mouth has been flat out jaw-droppingly awful as he’s promised to: Take away healthcare from millions of Americans; throw out Headstart and the Department of Education; separate families, including moms from children, who are essential to our communities, businesses, and country; give billionaires and big corporations giant tax breaks paid for by cutting healthcare, education, and food programs that lift families, small businesses, and our economy… It’s a lot. And that list doesn’t even cover all of it.
I don’t know about you, but in the middle of this mess, I’m looking for “glimmers,” places where we together can engage and make something good happen, no matter how big or small. And we found a glimmer that needs your help to make happen ASAP (click here).
*Here’s the glimmer for you: Moms in Congress across the two political parties are coming together to OVERRIDE their own Republican leadership in the U.S. House to pass H.Res.23, the Proxy Voting for New Parents Resolution, a policy that allows new parents who are members of Congress (i.e., moms!) to vote from home the first 12 weeks after a new child arrives. [1] This effort is being led by Representative Brittany Pettersen (CO-D), who is due to give birth in the coming weeks, along with Representatives Sara Jacobs (CA-D), Anna Paulina Luna (FL-R), and Mike Lawler (NY-R).
This glimmer is important – and we need you to click here to take action to help make it happen.
Here are two top reasons this glimmer is important:
1- Now more than ever, we need more mom leaders in Congress, and this policy change would help make that happen;
2- And, importantly, now more than ever, we need more Republicans ready to override the harmful positions of their own Republican leadership and come together with Democrats in order to pass good policy (or to stop bad policy). This action starts out the Congressional session modeling doing just that.
So, how can YOU, me, and us make this “glimmer” into a victory, a small victory; but a victory just the same?
And please share this action ( and forward this email so more people can take action along with us. The more of us who take action, the more positive impact we have overall.
Let’s back up the moms in Congress who are overriding Republican leadership and working together to get something good done. We’re going to need them to do that again and again, so backing them up from the start is critical.
Thank you
- Kristin
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