I'm writing to alert you about concerning developments in our challenge to federal meat inspection rules that put both animal welfare and public health at risk. Animal Outlook and other advocacy groups sued the USDA for adopting regulations that dramatically reduce government oversight of pig slaughterhouses while increasing the role of slaughterhouse employees.
Key problems with these changes:
They violate federal law by allowing untrained slaughterhouse workers, rather than qualified government inspectors, to identify and remove the sickest animals before inspection. This means that officials may never know those animals were infected by, and are spreading, dangerous diseases that humans can catch, and that diseased animals could enter the food supply.
They eliminate requirements for government inspectors to verify humane handling of the sickest animals, who are especially vulnerable to abuse. Animal Outlook's undercover investigation of Quality Pork Processors, a supplier to Hormel, documented conscious, injured pigs being dragged with metal hooks sunk into their flesh under this new system.
They rely on cherry-picked data from a flawed pilot program to justify these changes, while ignoring evidence of increased food safety and animal welfare violations at facilities operating under the new rules.
The former chief veterinarian of USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service warned these changes could lead to "an outbreak all over the country."
Animal Outlook has filed a brief on appeal challenging the district court's decision to dismiss their lawsuit against these dangerous new rules. You can help by:
Supporting Animal Outlook’s legal advocacy program to protect farmed animals
Committing to leaving animals off your plate to help the victims of the animal agriculture industry
The USDA must not be allowed to abdicate its responsibility to protect animals and public health. Together we can fight for proper oversight of our food system.
Thank you for your support,
Ben Williamson
Executive Director
P.S. Your donation today helps power strategic legal advocacy for animals. From challenging dangerous slaughterhouse deregulation to fighting for transparency in animal agriculture, your support helps create meaningful change for animals through the courts. Will you make a tax-deductible gift of $25, $50, or $100 to help continue this vital work? Together, we can build a more just food system that protects both animals and people.
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.