From the desk of Senator Ted Cruz
MAJOR Breaking News: One of America's premier socialists, Elizabeth Warren has endorsed Wendy Davis. All the more reason why I'm supporting Chip Roy.
Fellow conservative,

While Texas conservatives are supporting my friend Chip Roy, the radical left is rallying around Wendy Davis.

The latest endorsement is from one of America's leading socialists, Elizabeth Warren, who was flattered by Davis's abortion-on-demand agenda.

This is one of the many reasons why I stepped up and proudly voiced my support for Chip. I know Texas. We are the heartbeat of America's grassroot patriot army.

Wendy Davis has liberal elites like Elizabeth and Nancy Pelosi pouring their resources in from Massachusetts and California while Chip has the support of honest, hard-working Texans.

The D.C. Swamp is bringing in all of their socialist heavy-hitters to try and sweep Chip and other conservatives like him out of office and put in a Pelosi rubber stamp for her like Wendy Davis.

With money flowing into her campaign from the coastal elites in Boston and San Francisco, Davis's campaign has outraised Chip this entire election cycle. She's bringing in nearly $1 million per quarter. To match that pace, Chip needs to raise $10,989 a day for the remainder of the quarter. But in all reality, he's going to need more than that.

Chip can and will still win, but only if thousands of grassroots activists across America stand up and say "NO" to Wendy Davis's extremism and her far-left base.

The stakes are enormous in 2020. If Pelosi gains a foothold in districts like Chip's, she will continue her radical obstruction and we will never move forward on the issues Chip fights for like securing the border, restoring healthcare freedom, cutting spending, and defending our men and women in uniform.

Will you help Chip beat back the liberal blue onslaught Wendy is bringing to TX-21 by donating $25, $50, $100, $250, or even $500 before our deadline at the end of the month?

Let's not forget—Wendy Davis rose to prominence after filibustering in favor of late-term abortion for 13 hours on the floor of the Texas Senate several years ago. Since then she has dedicated her life to fighting for barbaric pro-abortion laws and turning Texas blue.

She is a true radical and we must stop her from winning in 2020.

Will you donate $25, $50, $100, $250, or $500 now to my friend Chip to help combat national abortion celebrity Wendy Davis?

While Chip has been fighting in Congress to take care of his district during this national crisis, Wendy has been out raising money from far-left interests in Manhattan and Hollywood.

Please consider donating $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or anything you can to help my friend Chip beat Wendy Davis. Her fundraising abilities are off the charts and the only way he will win is if he has your help.

For Texas,

Senator Ted Cruz

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