Kennedy Brewer was going to die. Tried and convicted of murder, he sat in a Mississippi prison and waited to be executed—for 15 years.
Then Innocence Project stepped in. It took up Brewer’s case and its investigation led to another suspect, who confessed to the murder.
Brewer was a free man.
Since 1992, Innocence Project has helped exonerate 251 wrongfully convicted people, who collectively spent almost 4,000 years jailed for crimes they didn’t commit.
That’s why CREDO Mobile stands with Innocence Project. In December, we sent a significant donation to the group, which will rely on this funding as it works to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions and create fair systems of justice for everyone.
To date, we’ve donated over $15.6 million to nonprofit groups working for civil rights. Groups like the ACLU, National Women’s Law Center and Advocates for Trans Equality.
If you’re a CREDO Mobile member, thank you for standing with us—and with Innocence Project.
If you’re not a member, please consider joining. You’ll get all you want from a phone company: competitive plans, great deals on new devices and the nation’s top-rated, most reliable network.
And you’ll get much more. You’ll get an easy, effective way to make a difference in the world by generating donations for progressive nonprofits dedicated to the causes you care about.
Switching is easy. You can bring your current device and your current number. Go to to learn more. For more on Innocence Project, visit Also read our recent blog post on the group.