Friend --
If you're upset, harness that anger.
Channel it into action. Channel it into making an
impact that will create a better America.
Because here's the reality I’m upset too:
- When over 400 convicted felons who brutally
assaulted law enforcement officers receive pardons—that should be
offensive to us.
- When seditionists—who were given every ounce of due process our
justice system provides and were found guilty of
trying to overthrow the United States Government—are handed pardons,
it offends me. As a citizen, it offends me. As a Veteran who signed
up to defend this country from enemies both foreign and domestic, it
infuriates me!
- When a Seditionist, immediately after their release, takes a tour
of the Capitol, the People’s House, that offends me.
But anger alone won’t change anything.
Action will. We must turn that anger into meaningful
impact—holding those responsible accountable and building a
better, stronger system. We must harness that anger into presenting a
future vision that transcends the way we’ve been operating.
Together, we can present a new vision for
America—one that empowers hardworking Americans, not the
powerful MAGA Elites. A future where the MAGA Oligarchs who do not
represent everyday Americans, don’t get front-row seats and
become de facto leaders on our foreign and domestic policies,
where their personal fortunes don’t take priority over the well-being
of everyday Americans.
If you believe in pushing back against corruption, standing up and
taking action, then now is the time to act.
in $50 today and join us in the fight for a better, fairer
Just yesterday, Country First hosted a National Day of
Action where volunteers made their voices heard lobbying the United
States Senate to oppose the unqualified nominee for the Department of
Defense. And we will continue to harness this overwhelming energy
with more Days of Action ahead.
So, let’s channel our anger and passion into action—and
make a difference. Join
Adam Kinzinger https://www.country1st.com/
