Dear John,
As an independent journalist in Cameroon, Tsi Conrad knew his work could bring danger. Reporters Without Borders calls Cameroon “one of the most dangerous countries for journalists,” where reporters face harassment, arrest, and even death. In 2016, Conrad was arrested while filming a protest where police shot four people. His camera was destroyed, and he was sentenced to 15 years after an unfair trial.
Eight years later, media restrictions remain a pressing issue, particularly the detention of journalists. With Cameroon’s 2025 presidential election approaching, the United States should stress that a free and fair election requires a free and independent media.
Clemency for Criminal and Antidemocratic Actions
President Trump’s pardon of over 1,500 individuals convicted for obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 election results on January 6, 2021, undermines America’s democratic system. President Biden’s own pardons for current and former officials and family members circumvent the independent justice system.
A Promising End to Fighting in Gaza
We welcome the agreement to end the 15-month conflict in Gaza, which has caused immense suffering for countless innocent civilians. We urge Israeli authorities and Palestinian groups to uphold the terms of the agreement. As Israelis and Palestinians focus on recovery, they, along with global supporters, must also push for democratic progress.
Call for Salma al-Shehab’s Unconditional Release
We join our partners in celebrating the recent decision by a Saudi court to reduce the prison sentence of prisoner of conscience, Salma al-Shehab, from 27 years to four years, with an additional four years suspended. This marks a significant step toward rectifying a grave injustice, but we now urge Saudi authorities to grant her full freedom.
Save the Date: Freedom in the World 2025
Join us for the launch of Freedom in the World 2025, Freedom House's flagship report which has been tracking global trends in political rights and civil liberties annually since 1973. The event will feature the authors presenting key report findings, followed by a panel discussion on the implications of those findings and the state of democracy worldwide.
Freedom House in the News
Defend Democracy,
Champion Freedom.