Today we remember the 66 million precious babies who lost their lives to abortion since Roe v. Wade took effect in 1973.
Roe’s devastating toll lingers in our culture, even 52 years later.
Many women feel afraid, ashamed, and abandoned when facing an unexpected pregnancy because Roe taught that a baby is a burden, not a blessing.
>> That’s why pregnant mothers still believe today they must seek abortions in other states or buy deadly pills online, instead of creating a loving adoption plan or parenting.
Just like you, this breaks my heart.
However, there is still hope for America. We serve a God who can work miracles.
Our country desperately needs Jesus’ message of Life.
If you and I don’t step forward, who will? Will you send in a life-saving donation to Texas Right to Life today to pass Pro-Life laws and change our culture?
With your generosity today, we could target deadly abortion pill websites, improve adoption, and spread the message of God’s love to encourage and empower pregnant women.
The digital abortion clinic is the biggest threat to preborn children right now. I fear that if Christians turn a blind eye to illegal abortions, we could witness millions more babies killed, just as we did under Roe.
We should remember the millions of lives lost in the last 52 years and vow “never again.”
Abortion is not just a legal or political issue—it’s a spiritual battle. It ends when hearts are transformed by the Gospel.
You can make a huge difference for mothers, children, and families who need you. Give now to rescue babies from abortion and spread the Pro-Life message.
John, thank you for standing for Life and the Gospel. Your efforts don’t go unnoticed.