President Trump decided to TURN DOWN his $400,000 annual salary as President of the United States. | Most Americans see this as an honorable sacrifice and as an act of good faith to put our country FIRST. | But the same cannot be said of New York’s Attorney General, Tish James, who is continuing to wage legal warfare against President Trump and put politics before our country. | On top of foregoing his salary, President Trump will ALSO incur a DAILY FINE of $112,000 at the hands of Attorney General Tish James. | In other words, it will cost President Trump $112,000 per day to serve as President – all because Tish James has weaponized the Office of Attorney General. | That’s why I’m running to FIRE Tish James and lead as an Attorney General whose sole mission is to uphold the law. | But with President Trump now sworn in, we cannot wait until my own inauguration as Attorney General. We have to fight back against this lawfare right now. | So, every day that President Trump is required to pay $112,000, I’m asking 112,000 grassroots Americans to sign my campaign’s OFFICIAL GRASSROOTS PETITION demanding an END to this unjust, politically-motivated witch hunt. | Michael Henry Republican for New York Attorney General | PAID FOR AND AUTHORIZED BY FRIENDS OF MICHAEL HENRY | |