Dear Supporter of Israel:
Despite the “ceasefire,” Israeli soldiers and security forces have been ordered to remain on high alert due to the risk of life-threatening attacks.
In fact, violence against Israelis is popping up around our small nation and moments ago there was a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv that has injured at least 3 people.
The release of Israeli and Americans hostages is still being slow walked.
Even President Trump doesn’t believe the ceasefire will last.
We can’t be caught unprepared again! That’s why we’re still trying to equip Israel’s soldiers and security forces with the supplies they need to protect Israel and her people.
Join our efforts to equip IDF soldiers today!
Unfortunately, my IDF contact has just told me that all of these are in short supply.
Even worse, we are falling short of reaching our goal for the January match of $1,000,000 that has been offered by a generous donor.
It is essential that we ensure Israel’s soldiers and security forces are prepared for the eventual reprisal of its enemies with:
- Modern Body armor.
- Medical supplies.
- Life-saving equipment.
- Personal grooming supplies for the field.
Don’t let Israel down!
They’re counting on your generous support before the January 31st deadline!
As both an immigrant to Israel of 20 years and the father of two soldiers, I am telling you from my experience that such support could truly make the difference between life and death.
We’re so close to reaching our $1 million match but we’re still falling short.
Show your support for Israel’s soldiers today and keep God’s children safe!
Every prayer. Every dollar. Every ounce of support. It’s all a blessing.
When you live in a nation surrounded by your enemies, knowing that there are people who care for your well-being can go a long way. Thank you!
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,

Jonathan Feldstein President, Genesis 123 Foundation