From AMAC Action <[email protected]>
Subject A ticking time-bomb set by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Date January 23, 2025 12:45 AM
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Sponsored Message via American Media Watch

It isn't rocket-science. It's basic math.

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“A disproportionate number of illegal immigrants go to blue states, they
amplify the effect of a blue state vote. My understanding is that Democrats
would lose approximately 20 seats in the house if illegals were not counted in
census. And that's also 20 less electoral votes for president.

So, illegals absolutely do impact who controls the House and the presidency.”

~ Elon Musk

Fellow Conservative,

Elon Musk is right.

It isn't rocket-science. It's basic math. It's also a ticking time-bomb set by
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris-in the form of 11.5 million illegals entering our
country on their watch-one which will explode shortly after President Trump
leaves office in 2029.

While you and I have no doubt President Trump will deliver on his promise to
secure the border, this threat will not go away.

The truth is, without immediate action, these illegal aliens will be counted
in the U.S. Census, which determines both the apportionment of seats in the
House of Representativesand the number of electoral votes given to each state.

Whether they came because, four years ago, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden
prompted them to “surge to the border” for asylum or because of blue-states
offering sanctuary status, “free” health care, “free” cell phones, “free”
housing, and “free” doesn't matter. The result is the same.

Your vote is already being watered down in Congress.

Your vote is already being watered down in the Electoral College.

And every day reports are popping up of non-citizens, illegal aliens, and
convicted felons being registered to vote in cities and entire swing-states
across the country, which means your vote may be fullycanceled out in future

American elections should be decided by American citizens.

If you agree then please sign your “BAN NON-CITIZEN VOTING” Petition to Amend
the U.S. Constitution so the chaos we're seeing nownever happens again in
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Because, here's the scary part:

The last census took place in 2020. That was before the 11.5 million illegal
aliens who invaded our country under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. To put it in
context, there are only 8 states in America with a population over 11 million.
So, it's as if the radical Left just imported the 9th largest state in America.

That's more than North Carolina (10.8 million), Michigan (10 million), New
Jersey (9.2 million), or Virginia (8.7 million).

You get the picture. That's why urgent action is needed to pass a
Constitutional Amendment to ban illegal aliens from voting and from being
counted for purposes of congressional and electoral vote apportionment.

The next census in less than 6 years away. If those 11.5 million illegal
aliens are counted in the census or are allowed to vote in the intervening
years, you and I simply won't have a country.

It's vitally important that your representatives in Washington and in your
state legislature hear this demand directly from you.
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Because, quite honestly, they think they can pull a fast one on you.

They think you and I will be so relieved to see the border secure again and
criminal illegal aliens deported, that you and I will be oblivious to this
threat lying dormant under our very eyes.

No way.

My name is Rebecca Weber. I'm the chairwoman of AMAC Action.

AMAC Action is the most influential advocacy group in the country when it
comes to standing for the values of conservative Seniors.

We've got 72 chapters and 300 volunteer delegates, who are the “feet on the
street” advocates who contact Members of Congress and state legislators in
their district offices.

Moreover, our chapters and delegates help organize Town Hall meetings with
elected officials and candidates to enable those locally of our 2,000,000 AMAC
members to meet, hear, and question them.

And you should also know that we now have more than 337,000 AMAC members who
respond to our “calls-to-action” and weigh in with members of the

U.S. House and Senate, as well as their state legislators on the issues.

Quite simply, when we speak, Washington listens.

And AMAC Action needs your help today in this do-or-die battle to pass a
Constitutional Amendment to protect your vote from being canceled out by an
illegal alien or a convicted felon.
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But I can't do it without you. No matter what issue you care about the most,
if you and I don't have a secure,honest elections... none of it matters.

Inflation. Illegal immigration. Violent Crime. Drug use. Homelessness. The 2nd
Amendment. Out of control spending. Social Security and Medicare insolvency.
Right to Life. Indoctrination in our schools. Endless foreign wars. You name it.

So please follow this link to sign your “BAN NON-CITIZEN VOTING” Petition to
Amend the U.S. Constitution
<[link removed]>
so that AMAC Action can put your representatives in Washington and in the
state legislature on notice with a simple demand:

Namely, that you will not tolerate this erosion of your vote.

Now, here's the bad news:

Most state constitutions grant voting rights to “every” citizen, open-ended
language that liberal activists argue permits localities to authorize
non-citizen and even illegal alien voting. States should amend their
constitutions to instead permit “only” citizens to vote.

But there's good news, too:

Seven states have expressly banned non-citizen voting already: Alabama,
Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Ohio.

What's more, voters approve of constitutional amendments to ban non-citizen
voting by overwhelming margins. Nearly 77% of Ohio voters approved a measure in
2022, while nearly 63% of Colorado voters approved one in 2020.

This is a solution whose time has come. You and I can do this.

That's why, when you've signed your “BAN NON-CITIZEN VOTING” Petition to Amend
the U.S. Constitution
<[link removed]>
, I'm also asking you to make a one-time contribution of $35 to give AMAC
Action the resources to send out, collect, process, and tabulate millions of

The reality is, we don't get a dime of taxpayer funding. Our funding comes
from grassroots conservatives like you who care deeply about the future of
America. This is important.It means we can't be bought.

On the other hand, the leftwing election fraud machine is funded by leftwing
billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros who are actively funneling
billions to dark money “non-profit” groups to “reshape” our elections and our

With that said, if you're able to make a larger contribution-say $50, $75,
$125, $250, $500, or even $1,000-it would really be a life saver.

Please hurry. In order to secure your vote in all future elections-and with
11.5 million illegals chomping to be included in the next census-your “BAN
NON-CITIZEN VOTING” Petition to Amend the U.S. Constitution is vitally
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Yes, this is about saving your vote from being canceled. It's also about
saving America.

And it all starts with the straightforward premise that non-citizens and
illegal aliens-no matter how many Kamala Harris and Joe Biden imported on their
watch-should be banned from votingand banned from being counted for
apportioning congressional seats and electoral votes.

Thank you in advance for joining the fight to secure your vote

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For Freedom,

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Rebecca Weber, Chairwoman

AMAC Action

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P.S. American elections should be decided by American citizens. It's not
rocket-science. And it shouldn't be controversial. Yet, the radical left is
pouring billions into their scheme to “reshape” our elections and our
electorate. Nothing less than an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will
suffice when it comes to stopping this threat.

So please sign your “BAN NON-CITIZEN VOTING” Petition to Amend the U.S.
Constitution right away.
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P.P.S. It's imperative that you and I help President Donald J. Trump hit the
ground running - especially when it comes to defusing the ticking timebomb left
behind by the previous regime in the form of “open borders” and allowing
non-citizens to vote.

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Support AMAC Action
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AMAC Action is a 501(c)4 committed to working directly with patriots like you
to preserve the values that have made America the greatest nation. The "Action"
branch of AMAC, our community-based chapters work tirelessly educating AMAC
members and like-minded conservative members of the community and driving
legislative results for our country. Your support will make us that much more
effective in our fight to defend YOUR values.

Support AMAC Action
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