From Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers <[email protected]>
Subject Report from DC: AZ has a partner on the border
Date January 23, 2025 12:19 AM
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Hi John,

Day One did not disappoint!! ([link removed])

There's a LOT to cover here, so I will try to go through this as best I can.

Inauguration Day was fantastic- despite the weather!

Trump told us he would do the impossible to help America enter a new Golden Age. He almost did it all on Day One.
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Almost immediately, President Trump had his impact felt.

He issues over 200 Executive Orders and actions, a great many of them having to do with the border.

Biden's Open Border is OVER.

Arizona FINALLY has a partner to stop the invasion!
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The App that Biden used to invite illegals in, was deleted. Their appointments were cancelled.

Open Borders Biden personnel were fired.

It's a whole new era!
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Of course, here in Arizona nothing is ever that easy.

The open border sank Biden and Kamala. Now the rest of the AZ Dems are going down with that ship.

They have chosen to resist deportations rather than cooperate. Sounds like a felony to me!
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In the AZ Senate, we are taking action. Arizona NEEDS Trump to close the border, my constituents want it, and the AZ Legislature will make this happen.

In the Senate, our President Warren Petersen is introducing legislation to compel Arizona government to work with the Trump Administration.
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Trump is acting- FAST. Arizona needs him to. And we will make sure that Arizona cooperates- holding Hobbs' feet to the fire.

If we need to, we will defund the AG office to stop Kris Mayes from abusing her power further.

Now is not the time to go weak. Now is the time to push the hardest to close the border and STOP the invasion. Trump is showing us how. We are doing our part.

Will you show support for the AZ Senate and our efforts to help President Trump close the border? AZ voted overwhelmingly for this in November. It's time to take action. If Hobbs won't work with us, there will be a need to show overwhelming support to force her hand. Will you help us work with President Trump to close the border? ([link removed])

God bless Arizona, and God bless America!
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona Senator LD7
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PS: President Trump needs allies he can trust. We are trying- but we need your help! ([link removed])

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.

Copyright © 2025 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.

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Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate
2700 S Woodlands Village Blvd Ste 300-242
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-7128

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