This is an old photo…
I don’t even know what my son looks like now.
I haven’t seen him in years.
But I will never stop fighting.
I need to save my son, who was taken away from me by court order.
Who was forced to change into girls’ clothing by the school counselors after I dropped him off.
Without my knowledge.
My son is twelve years old.
And despite residing in Texas, and Texas courts ruling that no gender reassignment may be permitted without consent, my son was whisked away to a California court infamous for transgender rulings against parents.
And after a corrupt transgender judge ruled against me. My son is now just months away from being chemically castrated.
Will you help me fight to save James?
I have partnered with the Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund to fight against these family court sham rulings that are advancing a political agenda by hook or by crook.
This Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund will help me have the resources to fight this fight with the determination and vigor necessary to save my son – without having to worry about looming massive financial burdens.
And it will help me pursue this battle to the end. Making sure these corrupt judges and politicians are held accountable – so that they cannot do this to hundreds of families across the country.
These dark conspiracies to mutilate children are pure evil – and we have to stop this madness from ever happening to another child.
Let alone my own son.
That’s why I am humbly asking for you to make a generous contribution to this defense fund so that we can tirelessly fight this fight against evil.