On the 52nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we can commemorate the groundbreaking legislation that established a constitutional right to abortion. In the same breath, we can also acknowledge that Roe was never enough to ensure access for everyone.
For decades, restrictions like the Hyde Amendment and hundreds of state laws designed to push abortion care out of reach and shut down abortion clinics have fallen hardest on people struggling financially. Systemic racism, economic insecurity, and immigration status multiply these already-massive barriers to abortion care.
To borrow a phrase by the late, great John Lewis, it's time for us to make good trouble. You know what really annoys a fascist? Demanding a better future, and never taking no for an answer. When you join us with a gift, you're not only helping us build a better, more equitable future, you will also become a real thorn in the side of the people who'd rather us be quiet.
So be a bother—today, tomorrow, every day until these fascists back off our bodies. Chip in now and demand abortion care for all.