On today's anniversary of Roe v. Wade, please add your name next to mine if you agree we need to codify abortion rights to end these attacks on our rights.


We have been living in a post-Roe America for almost three years following the Supreme Court eliminating federal standards on abortion access. Today should have been Roe v. Wade's 52nd anniversary.

Even before Roe v. Wade was overturned, extremists had been chipping away at reproductive rights for decades: implementing waiting periods, withholding federal Medicaid funding for abortion, and criminalizing abortion past a certain point in pregnancy.

Despite these heinous attacks on our rights, a majority of Americans agree in the democratic principle that a person's private health care decisions shouldn't be decided by the Supreme Court, a politician, or even the president. It's something that should be discussed between an individual and their doctor.

On today's anniversary of Roe v. Wade, please add your name next to mine if you agree we need to codify abortion rights to end these attacks on our rights.

I have worked to defend reproductive rights for 40 years, John. I will NEVER stop fighting because we will not go back in time.

Draconian, un-scientific, and dangerous abortion bans have always disproportionately impacted Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities, people with disabilities, people in rural areas, young people, immigrants, and those having difficulty making ends meet.

Overturning Roe has endangered people who are only trying to make the best decisions they can for their lives and their futures. It has made families suffer incredible loss, taking mothers away from their children, daughters from their parents, and it's barred people facing life-or-death situations from receiving the care they need.

We the people have to keep fighting to bring back this essential right: The right to the full spectrum of reproductive care. Sign the petition now.

In solidarity,






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