Hello John,
We are only one day into the 2025 Legislative Session, and attacks on ballot initiatives are already underway. SB 73, being heard in committee this afternoon, would add burdensome fiscal reporting requirements to ballot initiative applications. Filers would have to choose which programs would be cut to fund their law (if passed by voters) and petition signers would have to read the likely impact of the reduction in funding. This would create a huge workload for filers, have a chilling effect on applications, and pull the focus away from the true merits of the initiative. The ballot initiative is a democratic process and a constitutional right given to the voters of Utah.
Once again, the legislature is taking action to undermine our right to reform our government and to take power away from citizens. We’ve defended the ballot initiative process during the last two legislative sessions, and we can do it again, with your help.
Today, the Senate Business and Labor Committee will hear comments on SB 73 and vote on whether or not to pass it out of Committee. We need you to make your voice heard by contacting the committee members and letting them know that you oppose any effort to make ballot initiatives more difficult to pass.