However little it may often appear to be true, the social world is governed in the long run by certain moral principles on which the people at large believe. The only moral principle which has ever made the growth of an advanced civilisation possible was the principle of individual freedom, which means that the individual is guided in his decisions by rules of just conduct and not by specific commands. No principle of collective conduct which bind the individual can exist in a society of free men. What we have achieved we owe to securing to the individuals the chance of creating for themselves a protected domain (their property) within which they can use their abilities for their own purposes.
–Friedrich A. Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty Vol. 3 [1979]
January 22, 2025 Destroying of Freedom of Association and Liberty of Contract
I was recently staying in a hotel and noticed that the two women charged with cleaning the guest rooms were Hispanic. I couldn’t help but wonder whether they were here illegally. If so, they are among the millions of other illegal immigrants who are currently experiencing deep fear over the possibility of being arrested and deported. What a horrible way to have to live life. Moreover, the hotel owner (or manager) has to also live in fear over the possibility of...
Trump Watch: Trump's Inauguration
by Jacob G. Hornberger
In this week's Trump Watch, Jacob explains why the welfare-warfare state, regulated-managed way of life will be ...
Libertarian Angle: Trump's Overall Border Policy by Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
In this week's Libertarian Angle, Jacob and Richard discuss the impact of President-elect Trump's overall border policy--drug ...
Biden's Sordid Legacy: Ravaged Rights and Liberties by James Bovard
Joe Biden’s presidency ends on January 20, 2025. There will likely be a media stampede to hallow his reign and trumpet his virtues. But ...