Friend, Yesterday marked a grim anniversary for our democracy: 15 years ago, the Supreme Court decided Citizens United and opened our elections to massive spending from corporations, special interests, and the wealthiest people. Add your name: Congress must overturn Citizens United and take back our elections!>> If you watched any of Trump’s inauguration on Monday, the effects of that decision were on full display: billionaire CEOs with VIP treatment, enjoying prime seating at the event even in front of Trump’s own cabinet nominees. Let’s be clear: these big tech billionaires Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Tim Cook (Apple), Sundar Pichai (Google), and others ALL enjoyed prime seating to see the president sworn in under the Capitol Rotunda because of their wealth and the access that brings them. Non-billionaire Americans who had obtained tickets for the ceremony when it was to be held outside were quite literally left in the cold, while tech billionaires were welcomed. What a fitting metaphor for the country under Citizens United. The wealthiest among us simply buying access to a party the rest of us are just not invited to attend. Our democracy should treat every vote equally. Elections should be decided by those of us who vote, not those who can spend millions on campaign contributions. Sign on: no more billionaires buying elections, overturn Citizens United now!>> Thank you for your advocacy on this issue. The People For Digital Team ---previous message below--- Friend, Next week marks the 15th anniversary of the Citizens United decision which opened the floodgates for special interests and outsized spenders to shape elections and dilute the influence of everyday voters like you and me. Elections should be won and lost by the will of the people, not by the influence and impact of billionaires and shady Super PACs. In the 15 years since that terrible decision from the Supreme Court, we’ve seen first-hand how elections have become less democratic. In 2024, Elon Musk alone spent at least $260 million dollars to hand the election to Donald Trump.[1] The results of our elections should be decided by the millions of registered voters, not a handful of big spenders. We’re supporting the Democracy For All Amendment to close this gap and bring our elections back into the hands of voters. The first step is to urge Congress to act to overturn Citizens United. The Democracy for All Amendment would give Congress and states the authority to establish sensible regulations on campaign finance and restrict the ability of corporate special interests, billionaires, and other deep pocketed donors from using their money to influence the outcome of elections through Super PACs and other channels for unlimited election spending. Polling also shows that a vast majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, see the influence of money in politics as a threat to democracy and support efforts to restrict it.[2] Add your name: Congress must pass the Democracy For All Amendment now! >> Thank you for your advocacy and commitment to free and fair elections. Together, we can make a difference and set reasonable limits on election spending. — The People For Digital Team
Sources: [1] “Musk spent more than a quarter-billion dollars to elect Trump, including funding a mysterious super PAC, new filings show” CNN, 12/6/24 [2] “New Survey: Voters View the Influence of Money in Politics as a Threat to Democracy, Want Constitutional Amendment To Limit Spending” American Promise, 10/30/24