John --

I wanted to send you a quick note about one of our staff members, Nick Spooner.

A while back we asked you for stories about people doing good things during this pandemic, and I wanted to share Nick's story.

While he's locked in his house, and to help his recovery from a foot surgery, Nick has made the decision to cycle the 19 stages of the Tour de France on his indoor bike.

He's doing this to raise money for HOPE not hate Charitable Trust, and he's almost halfway to his target. If you want to help him get there, make a donation to his fundraising page here.

He's just finished stage 13, and so far he's cycled 2490km - I think we can all agree that is quite impressive.

I've chipped in £15 for his efforts, click here if you'd like to do the same.

Matthew McGregor
HOPE not hate

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