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Economic Democracy Weekly

In today’s Economic Democracy Weekly, we feature advocates responding in real time to the inauguration of Donald Trump. We begin with an article on how advocates can preserve progressive policy priorities using interstate compacts to create multistate institutions. Next, a writer surveys Latinx leaders on how they seek to protect immigrant communities. This is followed by an analysis of how to expand the nation’s network of community development financial institutions to invest with equity $27 billion in climate justice dollars disbursed last August. Finally, from a webinar last fall, a speaker calls for a cultural shift in how philanthropy relates to movement groups.

How States Can Link Up to Support Human Rights

“States [can lay] the groundwork that protects political rights and advances economic ones through legal instruments known as Interstate Compacts.” Read more... 
Personalized Benefits Boost Recruitment & Retention
Big Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry County faced challenges with healthcare benefits, but by implementing an HRA with Take Command, they achieved 100% employee participation, improving retention and fostering a more diverse workforce.
Learn more about this success story.

Advocates Gear Up to Support Latinx Immigrants

“Making sure immigrants know their human and civil rights…is a critical strategy.” Read more... 
Resilience at Work in Times of Change
In this four-part webinar series, participants will gain strategies to help their teams build resilience and manage change, stress, and uncertainty at work.
Register Now

What’s Next for CDFIs? The Challenge and Opportunity of Place

“National CDFI coverage has long been a movement goal. It has now become an imperative.” Read more…

How to Overcome Philanthropy’s Charity Mindset

“I think it’s really socializing the idea of just being in community, being in cooperation, struggling together.” Watch the video and read more…
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