
We hope this message finds you well and rested after a long Memorial Day weekend. We know that so much of the spirit of this somber holiday honoring the sacrifice of American service members can be lost as we struggle to make sense of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we hope you were able to use the time for some self-care and reflection.

All current and former service members understand the gravity of the sacrifices made by those who came before them and recognize the importance of sound leadership to navigate through times of both stability and crisis. In the military, poor leadership can cost you your life. As a country, we are struggling merely to cope with the grave challenges presented by our current crisis because too few of our elected officials have the skills necessary to lead through uncertainty. Now, more than ever, leadership matters.

With that in mind, the team at Serve America hopes you will join us this evening—Tuesday, May 26 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm ET—for a special virtual panel discussion with Congressman Seth Moulton, Serve America-endorsed candidate Kim Olson (TX-24), and retired Maj. General Jim Poss to discuss how lessons learned during their lifetime of military service can be applied to rebuilding after COVID and preparing for the next challenges our country will face.


The panel will be moderated by retired journalist and long-time resident of Texas’ 24th Congressional District, Gloria Campos. Panelists include:

  • Congressman Seth Moulton is a former Captain in the United States Marine Corps and an Iraq War veteran serving Massachusetts’ 6th Congressional District. Since first being elected to Congress in 2014, he has committed himself to elevating a new generation of leaders dedicated to national and public service. He works to elevate candidates like Kim Olson who are seeking public office for the right reasons and are working toward common sense solutions for the American people.
  • Colonel Kim Olson (U.S. Air Force, retired) is a veteran with proven leadership experience and a legacy of service. Serving from 1979 to 2005, Kim was one of the first women to fly and instruct in fighter-type aircraft, command an operational flying squadron, lead in multiple combat zones, and rise to the rank of Colonel. After retiring from the Air Force, Kim led a non-profit (Grace Under Fire) to help female veterans back on their feet by ensuring equal access to care. An advocate for education, she was elected to two terms on a North Texas school board and worked as head of human relations for Dallas ISD. As recognition for her service and commitment to women’s empowerment, Kim was inducted into the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame in 2014. Kim is running for Congress to bring honest leadership and continue her service to Texans.
  • Major General James Poss (U.S. Air Force, retired) is a 30 year U.S. Air Force veteran with combat experience in four wars and was the Air Force's senior career intelligence officer after leaving active service in November 2012. He is a leading expert on unmanned aerial systems, imagery, and cyber warfare. Gen. Poss has experience flying reconnaissance missions during the Cold War, with the US Army during Desert Storm, commanding a reconnaissance squadron in the Serbian air war, and as the first chief of intelligence for coalition air forces during Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He previously served as the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to seeing you soon!

All the best,

Serve America