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The House of Representatives is voting on the so-called "Fix Our Forests" Act as soon as this week.

Despite its name, this bill is bad news for our forests. It will open the floodgates for unwarranted logging and roll back protections for endangered species.

The time to speak out against this tree-killing legislation is right now.

Contact your U.S. House representative and urge them not to support this tree-killing bill. It will take less than a minute, and your voice could make all the difference for our forests.

Tell your U.S. representative that logging won't

The "Fix Our Forests" Act is an attempt to circumvent vital protective measures and accelerate logging, all supposedly in the name of helping forests thrive.1

But it simply doesn't make any sense. Chopping down trees is the opposite of fixing our forests.

This bill proposes to exempt "vegetation management activities" -- here meaning logging -- from environmental review on millions of acres of federal land, leaving forests at risk from reckless logging projects.2

Mature and old-growth trees are a priceless part of America's natural landscape. Their deep roots help prevent flooding and erosion. Their rustling green crowns shelter wildlife of all kinds. We've worked for years to protect these irreplaceable ecosystems from destruction, and we can't stop now.

These forests deserve to remain standing tall, not get chopped down to make toilet paper and toothpicks.

Make your voice heard for our forests today.

This is urgent, John. The last time a similar bill was voted on in the House, it passed.3

The new Congress brings a new chance to stop this terrible bill in its tracks -- one we can't afford to throw away.

Your U.S. House representative needs to hear from you as soon as possible.

Signal your support for keeping America's most ecologically vital landscapes pristine and whole by taking action now.

Thank you,

Lisa Frank
Executive Director

1. Ellen Montgomery, "The 'Fix Our Forests Act' Won't Actually Fix Our Forests," Environment America, July 31, 2024.
2. Ellen Montgomery, "The 'Fix Our Forests Act' Won't Actually Fix Our Forests," Environment America, July 31, 2024.
3. Michael Gonzalez, "'Fix Our Forests Act' passed by the House of Representatives," NBC 5 News, September 24, 2024.

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