After four years of misery and insanity where Americans struggled to purchase everything from groceries to gasoline, where Americans were fired for refusing to take a vaccine, or where we were told we must accept men in women’s locker rooms, it is nice to see a return to sanity.
America is back!
At the RNC, we unanimously elected Michael Whatley from North Carolina to continue to serve as our Chair, KC Crosby from Kentucky to serve as our new Co-Chair, Joe Gruters from Florida as our new Treasurer, and Vicki Drummond from Alabama to continue as our Secretary—all SOUTHERN LEADERS! Chairman Whatley has led and will continue to lead our party with wisdom and resolve at this crucial time in our nation’s history.
The Rules Committee of the Republican National Committee elected our own Mississippi RNC Committeeman, Frank Bordeaux, by unanimous vote as the new Chairman of the RNC’s critical Rules Committee. He will do an outstanding job, and we are so proud of his work and selfless service. The MSGOP Chair, Mike Hurst, and Executive Director, Rance Bilbo have already distinguished themselves as respected leaders at the RNC.
Our Mississippi folks who were at the RNC meeting and those who heard back home were especially touched by the heartfelt recognition of and moment of silence for our dear friend and previous Mississippi Committeewoman, Jeanne Luckey, who passed away in August of last year. No one could ever fill her shoes, but I will do everything I can to honor her memory.