My Dear Friend,
My name is Jeff Younger, and I’m the father to two wonderful boys. That’s my son James in the photo above.
I’m writing to you because I’ve spent the last eight years fighting tooth and nail to keep school-appointed counselors, and out-of-control judges from transitioning my son James against my will and against all reason.
You may have heard about my case from Charlie Kirk, Nick Freitas, or on Fox News.
I am James’s father, but because I refused to accept that my 5 YEAR OLD boy should be surgically and chemically castrated...
...I’ve watched the school system, and the courts systematically strip me of all parental rights and privileges.
Just recently, an LA Court ruled that my ex-wife is free to proceed with castrating my son James.
That’s why I’m writing to you today. I need your help.
I’m up against radical trans-activist judges, the 6 BILLION dollar trans lobby, and coastal elites forcing their LGBTQ+ agenda down our throats.
They’re trying to bury me in paperwork...
They’re trying to bankrupt me in legal fees...
They’re trying to break my spirit...
I want to keep fighting, but I can’t do it alone. If you’re with me in the fight to Save James, would you consider making a generous $25 contribution to my Legal Defense Fund today?
But I’m getting ahead of myself...
Let me start at the beginning.
When James was just two years old, my ex-wife began saying our boy James was actually a girl.
I told her she was wrong, and I kept dropping my son off at school in boy’s clothes because he is a boy. (I can’t believe I have to say that.)
I later found out that the school counselors were changing him into girl’s clothes once he got to school WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE to inflame this delusion.
Then during the custody battle, the judge BANNED me from seeing my son.
The court-mandated supervisor would ONLY let me see James if I put him in girl’s clothes.
I have never affirmed the lie that my son is a girl, nor will I ever affirm it.
So I was forced to stop visiting him.
It broke my heart.
Do you see what we’re up against?
I can confirm that these trans-activist judges are presiding over kangaroo courts where common sense goes right out the window.
They need to be stopped...
They need to be held accountable...
And James needs to be saved from their butchery.
THAT’S why I need your help.
I am under a gag order currently to NEVER speak about transgender issues publicly.
Obviously, I’m not abiding by that order because it’s blatantly unconstitutional.
But that’s not even the point.
If I were just some activist, maybe I would worry about the threat of jail time.
But I’m not just some activist.
I’m a Dad.
I’m fighting to save my son.
And I will never give up on James.
I’ve been in court three times a week for the past eight years. At this point, I have more trial experience than most lawyers.
I authored the bill in Texas, South Carolina, and Tennessee that outlawed sex change surgeries for minors.
I then spent every dollar I had to make sure cowardly politicians passed those bills.
But these Radicals are relentless and they don’t play fair.
I got the law passed in my home state of Texas, but then my ex-wife just took James to California: a “trans sanctuary” state.
And there was nothing I could do to stop it.
And that’s the scary part:
If this can happen in Texas, it can happen anywhere.
Then in California, the radical judge railroaded me and gave my ex-wife free reign to proceed with the castration.
I can’t even appeal the case because he sealed all the court records...
I’ll have to sue the LA County Court to unseal the records just to BEGIN the appeal process...
On top of that, the other side is trying to make ME pay THEIR legal fees...
Do you see what we’re up against?
But if Conservatives won’t put up a fight, how will we ever win?
That’s where Patriots Legal Defense Fund (PLDF) comes in. They heard about my case and immediately offered to stand by my side.
Will you stand with us?