Fellow Kansan, 


Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter! It's been an incredible past few days in our nation's capital as we celebrated President Trump's swearing in as the 47th President of the United States. It is a new day in America, and the start of the new golden age has officially begun. For more information on what I'm working on this week, follow me on social media.


I do not serve in Congress to be a caretaker in the slow demise of America— I serve to fight and work to make it stronger. That’s what I am doing while believing our brightest days are yet to come. 


Yours in service, 

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The Week Ahead

This week, thousands of pro-life Americans will travel to Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life rally. I am pro-life and proud to advocate for the life of every child, born or unborn. In honor of March for Life on Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill I proudly cosponsor. This legislation requires that any baby who survives an abortion be immediately transported to a hospital and requires criminal penalties for killing or denying care for abortion survivors.

I will also introduce several key bills this week to roll back burdensome rules and regulations enacted by the Biden-Harris Administration. These include bills to protect gun store owners from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) weaponized Zero Tolerance policy, delist the lesser prairie-chicken, and prohibit USDA from using tax dollars to implement its proposed Salmonella framework. Kansans want the federal government to get out of their way. This is just the start to getting our country back on track.

Meetings in the Office

  • Mars, Inc.
  • Kansas Chiropractic Association

Honoring Kansas Farmers, Ranchers, and Agricultural Producers

Last week, I spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives to recognize the dedication of Kansas farmers, ranchers, and agricultural producers for their perseverance and dedication during the recent winter storms. While Washington, D.C. closed for two days due to snow, I reminded the nation of the plight that the agricultural community faces to keep the rest of the country fueled, clothed, and fed, even when the temperatures refuse to rise past freezing.

In a world where Instacart and Amazon Fresh can deliver groceries to your door in nearly an hour if you live in an urban area, it can be easy to forget that our food doesn't come from the grocery store shelves. It comes from men and women who work tirelessly day in and day out to answer the call to feed, clothe, and fuel the world. On days with lots of extreme weather, these men and women bust their backs to ensure that we can still have food on our plates when the storms are long gone. It can often be a thankless job, but their tireless efforts do not go unnoticed. We are deeply grateful for their commitment to feed a hungry world. 

Check out my full speech here

Holding USPS Accountable

Last week, I joined Rep. Sam Graves (MO-06) to introduce the Pony Up Act. The bill would protect consumers by putting the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) on the hook for late delivery of bills and require it to pay any late fees incurred due to delayed delivery service. This legislation is the first step in solving complaints from across the country that late or undelivered mail resulted in individuals being forced to pay late fees. 

Kansans rely on USPS to deliver their mail in a reasonable, timely manner. Unfortunately, that has not been the reality. Hundreds of Kansans have shared their concerns about their mail not being delivered in a timely manner, or in some cases, not showing up at all. My legislation holds USPS accountable and removes the burden from hardworking Kansans. When USPS fails to do its job, it should be held responsible.

Pony Up Act

Fighting for Commonsense Border Solutions

One of Kansans’ top concerns is the wide-open border. Since October 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has convicted more than 1,500 cases related to assault, battery, domestic violence, and sexual offenses by individuals in the country illegally. We cannot and should not allow women and children to be put at risk in pursuit of a radical, out of touch political agenda.

I supported the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act which establishes grounds for inadmissibility and deportation for illegal migrants who are convicted of, or admit to, committing a sex crime or domestic violence. This bill is a common sense, no brainer solution to keep bad actors out of the country and to keep our women and children safe.

Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act

Keeping Men Out of Women's Sports

As a former high school athlete and a father of four young children, I understand full well the positive impact sports can have on youth and their development. Sadly, the lessons and values taught by participating in athletic programs have been greatly eroded by Washington Democrats who have caved to radical activists under the false guises of ‘equity’ and ‘inclusion’ over fairness.

As a result, women and girls have senselessly been exploited in private spaces and robbed of scholarships and accolades. American voters rejected this sort of lunacy on November 5, 2024. I voted for the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act to keep men out of women’s locker rooms and sports, to preserve an equal playing field for female athletes, and to protect women across the country. 

Securing the Border

Under President Biden, 16 million illegal migrants entered the country without proper vetting or background checks. This is a national security concern. That's why I cosponsored the REMAIN in Mexico Act. This legislation will allow the U.S. government to return foreign individuals who illegally entered the U.S. through the southern border to Mexico to await immigration proceedings. America can a remain a beacon of hope for individuals seeking asylum without embracing open-border policies that create a freefall on our southern border.

Introducing the FAITH Act

As Americans, we have the right to live our faith, change our faith, or have no faith without interference from the government. On Religious Freedom Day, I introduced the Fair Assistance and Impartial Treatment of Help (FAITH) in Small Business Act which protects the First Amendment rights of small businesses. Faith-based small businesses deserve the same access to business loans and programs offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration as every other American business regardless of religion status. I am proud to increase protections for our nation's faith-based small businesses.


In the Office

Advocating for Sound Farm Policy

Last week, I met with Kansas Wheat. During our visit, we discussed the importance of sound policy to provide certainty on the farm. Those of us who grew up in and around agriculture understand full well that Mother Nature is not a reliable business partner. Strong agricultural policy and tools like crop insurance are essential in empowering our farmers, ranchers, and agricultural producer's abilities to feed, fuel, and clothe the world.

Celebrating Inauguration with Kansans in the U.S. Capitol

I was grateful to host Kansans in the U.S. Capitol this morning for a legislative update and to celebrate the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. On November 5, 2024, more than 740,000 Kansans and 77 million Americans gave Washington, D.C. a mandate to get our country back on track. I look forward to working with President Trump to deliver on that mandate.

Mann in the News

Full Story with the Kansas Reflector
My Op-Ed in the Salina Journal
Full Story with the Great Bend Tribune
My Column in Liberal First

Visiting Washington, D.C.? Contact My Office

One of my favorite parts of representing the Big First District in Congress is hosting Kansans when they visit our nation’s capital. If you are planning a visit to Washington, D.C., please contact my office. My staff and I can help schedule tours of the White House, the U.S. Capitol, and answer any questions that you may have.


For more information or to schedule a tour, please visit my website and submit a tour request form, or call my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-2715. We look forward to seeing you!

Click here to submit a tour request

Please note: White House tour requests must be requested at least three weeks in advance. Space is limited and a tour request does not guarantee a spot.


Manhattan Office

317 Houston Street

Suite A

Manhattan, KS 66502

Phone: (785) 370-7277

Dodge City Office

100 Military Avenue

Suite 203

Dodge City, KS 37801

Phone: (620) 682-7340

Washington, D.C. Office

344 Cannon HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: (202) 225-2715

If I can do anything to help you, please reach out to my office.


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