Minnesota Senator Calvin Bahr banner image

Dear  Friends and Neighbors


While the Mn House is chaotic at best (for the time being), the Senate is off to a good start.  With the passing of Sen Dziedzic, the Senate is tied.  This has brought opportunities to collaborate, of which I have taken advantage of.  The Governor has released his proposed budget for the next two years.  Let’s just say that with the looming deficit (Minnesota Management and Budget forecasts a $5+ Billion shortfall) in the next budget cycle, the Governor’s proposal kicks the can down the road, leaving any necessary adjustments for the next Legislature to deal with. 


I have also been added to two more committees, at least until after the open Senate seat is filled.  My current committee assignments are:


State and Local Government 



What a great list to be able to advocate for your paycheck, over regulation, and your ability to travel, whether for work or pleasure.


Bahr introduces bills for Session

S.F .454 Would require legislative approval for emergencies that extend beyond 5 days.

S.F. 366  Employment status of election judges 

S.F. 347  Supporting the work of the Phoenix Correspondence Commission regarding federalism


These are among some of the proposals that I have introduced thus far to protect your freedom, more to come!!


As always, feel free to reach out to my office

(651) 296-3219 and [email protected])


Choose Freedom,

Cal Bahr


Calvin Bahr

Minnesota Senate, District 31


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2415
St. Paul, MN 55155


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