![]() Patriot, The government response to Covid-19 killed millions of people and damaged every single one of us. Millions lost their jobs, their businesses, and their basic human rights. Kids were kept out of school. Church doors were slammed shut. And five years later, NOBODY has been held accountable. In one of his final, desperate acts as president, Joe Biden issued unprecedented “pre-emptive” blanket pardons to various officials for their crimes, including Anthony Fauci. Biden was quick to claim these pardons did not imply any criminal guilt, but his own Justice Department said the exact opposite just last month. In U.S.A. v. Winegeart, U.S. attorneys argued the defendant “would first have to accept the pardon, which necessitates a confession of guilt.” That was one month ago. The Supreme Court has also opined that pardons often carry an “imputation of guilt” even if the consequences for that guilt are erased. Anthony Fauci may have been pardoned, but that absolutely does not mean there cannot be an investigation. Quite the opposite: If Fauci has been pardoned, he cannot invoke any Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Certainly, nobody is contending Anthony Fauci developed Covid-19 and unleashed it on the world all by himself. The American people – and indeed, the entire world – deserves a full and impartial investigation into the origin of the pandemic. Now that there is new leadership in Washington, it’s time to DEMAND a full investigation. Tell your representative and senators you DEMAND a full investigation into the origin of Covid! ![]() If Anthony Fauci refuses to cooperate with investigators despite being pardoned, he can still be charged with obstructing justice. Biden’s pardon does not cover crimes he may commit in the future. And obstructing a long-overdue investigation into the truth about Covid would be a terrible crime indeed. When Covid came, everything in America changed almost overnight. The Deep State bureaucracy and dictators in states across the country took control and left the rule of law in the dust. Our rights under the U.S. Constitution and our state constitutions evaporated immediately. We were ordered to stay in our homes, prohibited from our right to assembly. Americans were banned from attending church. Children were prohibited from attending school. Hardware stores in some states were even prohibited from selling seeds. We were told not to wear masks, until we were ordered to. We were told to keep away from each other. All sense of community vanished. Millions of Americans got sick, and many perished. Dying family members were forced to die alone, and funerals were banned. Fear and hatred became the norm, ginned up even more by the mass media. Everything the government and Deep State did in response to Covid made things worse. The virus swept across the world regardless of their prescribed “safety measures” like isolation, masking, and social distancing. But the lockdowns, the social isolation . . . all of it contributed to even more physical and mental disorders, drug abuse, and suicide. And if the virus didn’t just come out of nowhere but was the direct result of reckless experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with funding and support from American government bureaucrats, that is the crime of the century. It must be investigated NOW! ![]() All of the economic devastation, drug abuse, suicide, loss of opportunity, destruction of community . . . all of it was caused by the government response to Covid. To this day, statists in Washington have stymied ALL efforts to get to the truth. The politicians and bureaucrats now mince their words and try to walk back their lies . . . because they know they just might need to face the music! But now there is a new sheriff in town. Already, President Trump has withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization. That’s a fantastic first step. That’s why you and I need to DEMAND they take action – now – to continue to build momentum to get this done. Patriot, their silence and their inaction is their complicity. We must demand our lawmakers do their job. If our representatives won’t rein in the Deep State and hold those responsible accountable, you and I must hold our representatives and those responsible accountable. Take a moment to send an electronic postcard to your U.S. Representative and Senators and demand they call for a full investigation into the Covid Cover-Up – and hold those responsible accountable. ![]() Then, please consider pitching in $25, $50, $100, or even $250, $500, or $1,000 so Campaign for Liberty can rally more liberty activists to force accountability and hold Congress’ feet to the fire! You and I must keep the pressure on Congress to uncover the lies and find the truth – and then take action against those who pushed the lies and half-truths on us! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. The government response to Covid-19 killed millions of people and damaged every single one of us. Millions lost their jobs, their businesses, and their basic human rights. Our children and grandchildren were kept out of school. Church doors were slammed shut. The economy was left in shambles. And five years later, NOBODY has been held accountable. It only takes a moment to sign your e-postcard and we will deliver it for you. Make your voice heard! Click here to send your e-postcard and DEMAND they conduct a full investigation and hold people accountable. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work and hold our derelict lawmakers accountable. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over we, the people, for far too long. You and I must demand full accountability. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron Paul.
If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).