Deadly accidental shootings are up 43% in last two months.


Americans are spending more time at home and in some households that means more time around guns. There has never been a better time to address safe gun storage. 

For this week’s #WebinarWednesday, we will discuss how to ensure guns are safely stored in homes across the Commonwealth. While you may not have a gun in your own home, we will also talk through strategies to address safe gun storage with your friends, family, and neighbors. 

WHEN: May 28th, 1:30 PM ET
WHERE: Your living room via Zoom Webinar
WHO: Beth Foringer and Jessica Kapadia from Moms Demand Action to discuss the Be Smart Campaign

Register now!

I look forward to seeing you there.
Adam Garber 
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA Education Fund

P.O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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