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Eagle Forum
January 21, 2025
Take Action!

Contact Your Representatives to Vote “YES” on the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act

Congress will vote on an important bill this week to save the lives of newborn babies that should transcend the normal divisions over abortion legislation.
The legislation coming up in both the House and Senate has little to do with abortion and is all about saving the lives of newborn babies. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 21/S.6) is a common-sense bill that requires medical professionals to provide life-saving medical care, including transportation to a hospital, to babies born alive during an abortion procedure.
When babies who survive incomplete abortions are left to die without basic medical care, as numerous doctors have openly confessed to observing or participating in, we are no longer dealing with “abortion” but infanticide.
Democrats have called this problem a “myth,” but as more and more abortion survivors such as Melissa Ohden speak out, the more that the false narrative breaks down. No longer can we ignore the cries of babies who want to live and the doctors who refuse to provide necessary medical care.
Please call or email your Representative and Senators to protect babies by moving forward with H.R. 21 and S.6 the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act!
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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