Statement by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout on House and Senate Floor Votes on Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Throughout our Commonwealth, many have been following closely the intense and rapidly moving debates on resolutions proposing to amend Virginia’s constitution by adding an extreme and deadly “right to abortion” amendment (HJ 1/SJ 247), repealing the one-man/one-woman marriage provision approved by Virginia voters in 2006 (HJ 9/SJ 249), and guaranteeing the restoration of voting rights to all who have completed their sentences (HJ 2/SJ 248). These resolutions are the first step in the two-year process required to amend our state’s constitution.

Last week, the House passed all three resolutions. Earlier today, the Senate passed each of them as well. In our previous statement in November on the unusual fast-track actions the House Privileges and Elections Committee took on these measures, we accentuated our opposition to the abortion expansion and marriage redefinition amendments. We conveyed our support of the voting rights amendment. 

Of utmost priority, we once again express our alarm and dismay at the aggressive pursuit of enshrining a “right” to abortion in Virginia’s constitution by majorities in the House and Senate. This resolution is extreme, radical, deadly, and tragically misguided. It would expand our Commonwealth’s already very permissive abortion laws and allow virtually unlimited abortion at any stage of pregnancy. We again implore all lawmakers to work instead for policies that affirm the life and dignity of every mother and every child.

Through the Virginia Catholic Conference email advocacy network, thousands of Catholics across Virginia sent messages to their legislators asking them to vote against the abortion expansion and marriage redefinition measures, and in favor of restoring voting rights. Thank you for being faithful citizens. Your voices are vital and will be needed at every stage in this long-term fight for the values we cherish and the lives these measures impact, especially the lives of those who have no voice but ours. 

