Just a quick reminder that multiple amazing pro-life events are happening at the end of this week!
Just a quick reminder that multiple amazing pro-life events are happening at the end of this week!
On Friday, January 24th —
Live Action founder and president, Lila Rose, is one of the featured speakers at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. This will be an exciting day of peaceful, public, pro-life activism and encouragement. If you are planning to attend the March for Life, look for the large, red “Love Them Both” banner near the front of the march to walk with the Live Action team. We’d love to meet you!
On Saturday, January 25th —
Lila is also the keynote speaker for the 26th Annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life held at Georgetown University. You can learn more and get tickets to attend this event here: www.oconnorconference.com ([link removed] )
Also on Saturday, January 25th —
The Live Action team will be at the Walk for Life ([link removed] ) in San Francisco. If you are attending this event, look for the Live Action booth located at the Info Fair. Our team will be delighted to meet you and give you a Live Action sign to hold!
John, if you are not able to make these events, here’s a link where you can watch the D.C. March for Life Livestream: marchforlife.lpages.co/2025-livestream ([link removed] )
Whether or not you are able to attend any of these events, please join us in praying for an end to abortion. Our prayers and activism will make more of a positive difference than we will ever know.
For Life,
Noah Brandt
VP of Communications
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