We’re committed to continuing our signature hard-hitting, rigorous journalism that exposes wrongdoing and injustice over the coming weeks and years. ProPublica has investigated government agencies and federal policy since 2008. We’ve covered three presidential administrations, and we’ve focused on a wide range of topics, not just what’s currently in the news cycle. But we need your help to do so.
“To find stories, we will, as always, rely on insights from people closest to the issues,” our editor-in-chief, Stephen Engelberg, wrote in November. Much of our reporting is fueled by the people who share their experiences, advice and inside knowledge with us.
We’re reporting on changes in the Justice Department, an expected rollback of environmental regulations and the cultural agenda of the Trump administration, among many other issues. Find out more about what our reporters plan to delve into, as well as their contact details, here or reach our whole team at propublica.org/tips. You can also text or call 917-512-0201 or send us a message at that number on Signal, a secure messaging app.
We take source privacy very seriously: You can read more about ProPublica’s approach to investigative journalism in our ethics code and ways to securely share information. And if you don’t have a specific tip or story in mind, we could still use your help. Sign up to be a member of our federal worker source network to stay in touch.