John Kennedy for Senate You're my only hope.
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You know me, and you know I'll always tell it like it is, so let me lay it out
for you; I'm about as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs because
my advisors have just given me a hot, steaming batch ofBAD NEWS.
My campaign's losing funds, we're running into the red here, and the only
thing that can save it - is an EMERGENCY fundraising deadline.
I know, you've heard this before - BUT let me tell you, I'd greatly appreciate
anything that you could contribute; according to my financial team, we just need
$15,000 in grassroots fundraising to gain the momentum we need.
I'd be happy as a hog in mud if you could contribute ANYTHING towards my
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I'd be as happy as a penguin in an ice chest if you could contribute $50.
RUSH $25
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I'd be happier than a flea on a fat dog if you could be one of the select few
willing to make a difference in this campaign.
RUSH $50
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RUSH $75
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RUSH $100
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RUSH $250
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Thank you for all your support. I will never let you down, and I hope you can
lend me your support.
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Senator Kennedy
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Folks, our country was founded by geniuses but it's being run by idiots. And
if you trust the government, well then you obviously failed history class.Chip
in $25 today to ensure that we vote stupid out of office and give our future
generations a fighting chance.
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Paid for by John Kennedy for Us John Kennedy for Us
P.O. Box 80418
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
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